If you are adjusting your status based on marriage, then chances are you also submitted an application for a work permit and travel document. USCIS typically issue work permits to individuals with a pending adjustment of status so that they can work while their green card case is being adjudicated. Which means that they are working on your case. If you green card ends up being denied then ultimately your work permit which was based off of that pending green card application is no longer valid.
If you have been denied, then you should speak to an Immigration Attorney to analyze your case and determine whether or not you have any other options, such as a motion to reopen and reconsider or whether or not you should refile your application, or maybe you qualify for another benefit all together.
If you or someone you know is in this situation then please consider speaking to an Immigration Attorney.
If you have any questions about this issue or any other immigration matter you can give us a call at 201.565.0099 or visit our website at www.anuforolaw.com. And we will be happy to talk to you about your particular immigration matter.